I have the right to know the
No, you don´t.
Not when it´s miIitary court.
Not when nationaI security is
MiIitary court?
Thank god I caII you.
I caught you on the news.
You have to stop Ietting them
messing with your hair.
-I just need some money.
I hate ask.
BBut can you heIp me out,
My mum is with them right now
as we speak.
If you say no,
I´m gonna be evicted.
Can you come get me?
I know what it couId be.
Maybe he did something that he
didn´t even know he did.
And, so? That´s enough, Jackie.
He is in witness protection?
Next time you need heIp caII
your other sister.
Oh, no, wait.
You don´t have another sister.
I didn´t caII you Jackie,
you caIIed me.
Yeah, and I came here to pick
you up.
Looked Iike the first you try
to see me in months. BBy the way.
The base in San Lazaro is about
45 minutes south of L.A. off the
I booked you a fIight into John
Wayne airport in Orange County.