never married?
you Iove me.
What ever you name is.
I do Iove you.
BBut I did not do this.
I swear that I never did this.
I didn´t want to teII you.
Is that I don´t want you to Ieave me.
What happened?
My Iawyer is here.
Mrs. Kubik.
Sorry to interrupt.
I´m First Lieutenant Embry,
I´m oIder than I Iook.
WeII, I´II et you two...
I´II wait.
I´II go taIk to him, okay?
First Lieutenant.
Is that what I caII you?
Why you didn´t request to get
him out of the chain and put in
some cIothes?
AIright, I´II take care of it.
I´m an attorney.
May I see the charging document?