Good morning, Lieutenant.
Good morning Mrs. Kubik.
did you see that,
he just caII me madam.
ShaII we?
Yeah, Iet´s get out of here.
So, I do not need any security
cIearance for the pre-triaI
Yes, exactIy.
The onIy portion of the triaI
that are cIassified or those
pertaining directIy to the
incident in EI SaIvador.
I hope she didn´t think I was
Your sister.
WeII, don´t worry about it,
she understand.
She is psychic.
Mr. Grimes decided to join us
after aII.
Mrs. Kubik, CharIie has a
history of being a major drunk.
Are you sober, Mr. Grimes?
462 days, Mrs. Kubik.
Pre-triaI pIan? FiII me in.
Pre-triaI in 1 0.
1 0 what?
1 0 minutes.
You don´t think they´II be
impressed by Ieather?
Who is the judge?
CoIoneI FarreII.
Yeah, it wouId be.