What do you think, Embry?
I think why me, why I was
assigned to this case.
7 guys in Tom´s unit and aII of
them said he did it.
BBut onIy two of these
eyewitnesses are on their Iist.
What happened to the other
AII of them?
dead how?
Two were kiIIed in combat.
One was murdered,
and the other two accidents.
I know a coupIe of P.I.s, ex-Green BBerets.
Not very ethicaI, but maybe
they can give us the unofficiaI
version of their death.
CouId be usefuI.
Here we go. Troy Abbott,
Sacramanto, CaIifornia.
doing 4 to 6 for arm robbery.
WaIdron´s office is trying to
extradite his paroI.
Why am I certain he is going to
´Cause it´s the marine corps.
BBe aII you can be.
That´s charming.
I think maybe Hernandez acting
No one is gonna beIieve
GeneraI Marks was in this.
In other words,
you don´t beIieve it.
That is not my point.
do you beIieve Tom or not?
Easy, he is just expressing his
Isn´t there something you
shouId be doing some where eIse?
Not reaIIy.
Can I get you another coffee?
No, madam, I´m good.
I have to agree with Embry.
Guy Iike Marks smeIIs, Iooks,
tastes creditabIe.
Put him on the stands, he´II
just give Hernandez credibiIity.
Right, that´s what I´m saying.
WeII, the young man has an
originaI thought.
You know what?