I was asked to convey this
message to you.
Good night Mrs. Kubik.
Get out of here.
Is it true?
That you get that kind of
To beat the box.
What are you taIking about?
The poIygraf , Tom.
BBut I didn´t beat the box.
I toId the truth.
Why didn´t you teII me you
couId do that?
It doesn´t occurred to me.
That´s not part of who I am
That´s it, isn´t it?
How do I know who you are?
You the onIy one who knows who
I am.
I don´t care anymore.
I did it.
I shot them aII.
For fun, why not?
Who the heII cares, CIaire?
The man you´ve been waking up
to just Iove to kiII women and
In coId bIood.
Who the heII knows why, CIaire?
Am I making any sense?
do what I´m saying make any
sense to you?
I´m scared.
You know me more than