What happened?
You got Iot of expIaining to
You aIright? Who did this?
Some of the oId gang down the
Same group that know every move
we made.
What are you taIking about?
I didn´t know about the
Were you drinking with them?
Every Friday, everybody drinks,
we don´t taIk about cases.
CharIie you know what it´s
CIaire you can understand.
I understand you´re fired.
Listen, this case wiII be over
and you´II be gone.
BBut I´II stiII be here.
did you know about this?
did you know the attack on me
and CIaire?
Or is this just a coincidence?
You seriousIy think I wouId do
What do you say we go to the
I am worry about your ribs.
Just give me some ice.
I won´t be there for Hernandez.
I got word Troy Abbott got his
I gotta go track him down.
I was kinda sick.
Chatman taunted the victim.
He tossed his gun around Iike
a cowboy.
Kind of showing off.
And then he executed them.
PIease continue.
I ran to the south end of the
viIIage but it was too Iate.
They were aII dead.
And Chatman was stiII shooting.
2 members of the unit assisted
me and we got him down.