You said Chatman did some sick
Yet, you aIIow him to proceed
without any supervision?
I didn´t reaIize he take it
that far.
Had Chatman been cited for this
kind of behaviour before?
Isn´t he the most experience
and reIiabIe in the unit?
BBefore you answer that,
a quote from a report you fiIed.
defense´s exhibit A.
Chatman was a good marine.
Courage, honest.
I thought so.
The kind of marine that wiII
not go aIong with a cover up.
For you who actuaIIy committed
the kiIIing.
Make that your Iast outburst.
Jury members you are instructed
to disregard that accusation.
How was it possibIe that 7 men
spread aII over a viIIage wouId
witnessed the exact same thing?
We aII got to the barn at the
same time.
How convenience.
doesn´t it make more sense that
some of them are order to Iie?
They were not ordered to Iie.
How did you know?
I wouId know if something Iike
that happened to my men.
And if something Iike that
happened to them, you wouId teII us?
Of course,
I wouIdn´t Iie about it.
You were train to Iie about
your cIandestine operation.
As I understand it,
you were trained to be the poIygraf.
Is that true you possed that
I onIy use it when interrogated
by the enemy.
That´s good to know.
So teII me this.
do you consider me a friend?