Hollywood Ending

I just... I really wanted
to put your mind at ease...

that just because I'm the
director's significant other,
I can still act.

- Hi.
- [Man]

- Hey, Mort. How are you?
I thought you were in Aspen.
- I wish.

- You know Ellie, my fiancée?
- Hi. How are you?

- Hi. I'm Lori Fox.
Nice to meet you.
- F-F-Fiancée?

- Congratulations.
When's the date?
- New Year's Eve.

My goodness, how romantic.
That's wonderful.

- Congratulations
on your new film.
- You know Val Waxman.

- Of course. Sure.
We sued him...
- Fiancée?

- for failure to complete a picture.
- That makes me feel secure.

I'll see you
tomorrow, Val.

Hurry! I'll miss
my flight.

This is not a good time
for you to go away.
I'm very vulnerable.

If I'm gonna be
in this movie,
I have to get into shape.

This spa is the only way
I'll ever have the discipline.

- But you're not overweight.
- Oh, my God! I'm a horse.

- I have to appear in lingerie.
- What if we need you?

It's a ten-week shooting
schedule. My scene doesn't
come until the very end.

What if I need you?
I'm going through a bad time.

You'll be fine.
You'll be fine.
You're a big boy.

Oh, geez. You know,
I'm afraid to sleep alone.

l-l-I keep thinking
people are breaking in.
I lay awake all night...

thinking of death
and the blackness
and the abyss.

Oh, oh, don't forget
to water my cactus.

- Call me every day.
- I can't. They don't have
any phones at Dolby Ranch.

They want to discourage
secret eating schemes.

- [Woman Over p.A., Indistinct]
- Oh! Oh! Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh. Okay,
I gotta go. Gotta go!

And we want to see
the earrings. Profile.

Other profile, please.
And cut.

Thank you.
Is it true your cameraman
speaks only Chinese?

Yes, Mandarin.
It's so hard to find a good
Cantonese cameraman these days.

Neighborhoods just don't
have them anymore.
