Hollywood Ending

Hal Yeager's known
to be very hands-on,
very hot-tempered...

quick to replace people.
- Does that bother you?
- No, because the deal is...

they're going
to leave me alone
during the shooting.

- I have complete freedom.
- How about working
so closely with your ex-wife?

Well, it's not so close.
She'lljust be up and back.
It's not going to be that close.

Well, there must be
some bitterness.

Especially now that she's
going to marry Hal Yeager,
the man she left you for...

who's now your boss?
Who are you?
Oh, I'm Andrea Ford.
I'm going to be doing
the story...

on the making of the movie
for Esquire.

- Oh, really. Are you?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Didn't they tell you?

I'm going to
be observing the whole time.

'Cause I don't usually like,
you know, when journalists
hang around the set...

- and observe when I work.
- Take that up
with the press department.

But don't worry.
I won't get in your way.

I promise. I am a huge fan.
- [Clears Throat]
- Oh, huge.

I have loved
all of your movies.

Oh, well, you know...
And you'll be hanging around
doing a story here?

Yes. Because, in fact,
I've always thought of you
as a unique American artist.

Oh. Well, I'm sure
you won't be in the way here.

You know, there's plenty
of room and you can have...

Val. Hey, gosh,
I'm so sorry.
Can I steal him for a minute?

- I really was about to...
- Some things we have
to go over.

I'll get him right back to you.
I'm so sorry. In one minute.
I'm so sorry.

- You need to be careful.
She is a killer.
- She's a killer?

I didn't think it was
a good idea having her around
all the time.

But then the press department
told Hal that they could get
the cover of Esquire and so...

- How is she a killer?
She loves me.
- Well, that's fine.

I mean, if she likes you,
you know. Otherwise,
she can be biting.

- Really?
- I hear she's all sugar
and sweetness...

and gets into
your good graces
and then wham!

She kept telling Sean Madigan
how she loved all of his films
and she was a big fan.

How he was a great,
I don't know, unique
American artist.

- Really?
- And then in the profile,
she disemboweled him.
