Hollywood Ending

Fire me?
I obviously can't
direct the picture.

What are you talking about?
How can you blow this shot?

What are you talking about?
I'm blind.

- Nobody knows.
- What the hell does that mean?
What are you suggesting?

If you pull out
of this project now
because psychological stress...

has caused you
to lose your sight,
you'll never work again.

- They'll burn your union card.
- Maybe they could postpone it.

Oh, yeah,
because you're blind?

Val, direct this picture
and bring in a hit...

or I leave you
with two words: homeless man.

- I can't direct...
How can l...
- I'm telling you how.

You're going
to muddle your way through
until your sight returns.

Al, I can't direct
a picture. I'm blind.

Have you seen some
of the pictures out there?

The first five minutes
they'll catch me.

Maybe they will,
maybe they won't.

If they do, you're no worse off
than if you confess...

because you're finished
in the business anyway.

You gotta be joking.
I'll take one step on the set,
I'll break my neck.

No, no, no.
I'll come with you.

They won't let you.
The actors get nervous
when agents hang around.

It's against
Galaxie policy.

Listen. Once you get
on the set, you get relaxed,
you won't even need me.

There's no way to do this.
I would have to take
somebody into my confidence.

Absolutely not.
No. Never. Not a hint.
This can't get out.

You will direct
a hit picture.

Sometimes God works
in strange ways.

Like Job.
[Andrea's Voice]
Notes on "Making of
The City That Never Sleeps."

First morning atmosphere
is upbeat.
Lots of eager anticipation.

People moving lights.
Actors and actresses all ready
in costume and makeup.

Val Waxman is not
the first one on the set.
