Hollywood Ending

Sir, he's gone.
He's not there anymore.
You're talking to air.

Why didn't you warn me?
I thought you saw him.
This is very weird for me.

You thought I saw him?
How am l...

- A few summers ago
I did aid a deaf uncle.
- You're going too fast.

Okay, slowly, slowly.
It's very weird.

I was helping out
a deaf uncle
a few summers ago...

but we didn't have
to hide it like this.

Oh,Jesus, this is great.
Val, you wanna go
with this one tomorrow
or the big one?

Uh, well...
- Wow. These are beautiful
pocket watches.
- Thanks.

I would go
with the big one.

Val, um, how'd you
feel the first day went?

The first day
was, you know, like the first day.

It was like a shakedown
where you weed out
the malcontents.

Oh, good. I'd love to speak
to you for a few minutes
if you're not too busy and all.

- l-l...
- Well, sir, uh...

you said you wanted me
to show me that, uh,
piece of jade?

- You know what?
If you have work to do...

we'll do this
some other time.

- Yes, I do. l-l...
- Okay. Thank you.

Sorry, sir. That's
all I could think of
to extricate you.

You realize there's
no piece of jade.

Yes, I get it.
I get it. There's no jade.

everything okay?

So far our conspiracy
has gone undetected.

Perfect. I'm taking you
to your shrink right now.

Listen. Same drill
tomorrow, Chou.

Don't worry.
I'll practice casual banter.

Very good. Good.
Nice to see you.

[Andrea's Voice]
To observe Val Waxman directing...

one would think he has
no idea what he's doing.

I wonder if he is one
of those cinema geniuses...

who thrive on chaos,
like Fellini.

He always seems distracted.
He never looks anyone
in the eye...

and must be juggling
a million things
in his mind at once.

It's easy to see
why his reputation
is one of an eccentric.

I notice, too,
as the weeks go by...

what a great interest
he has in the photography...
