"- God, what have you done?
- No, father..."
After so many years my
daughter is coming to see me!
And you snatched her away!
You should have taken me away.
I am coming.
We can't record today.
"No, not even tomorrow.
Or the day after."
I don't know when
And I can't comment
on when we can record.
Please hang up.
Or I'll hang up.
Want to record...
Nobody understands.
At least eat something.
How can I eat?
Radha hasn't eaten for 3 days.
You don't know...
"When I was little, I'd wander
around without food or water."
Radha herself would feed me.
She supported me.
Today she has no support.
"Sir, I know at such a time
one shouldn't' say this."
Why don't you marry her?
I never gave it thought.
I've had dreams for her.
"A handsome husband,
a famous family."
My Radha finds happiness
wherever she goes.
That's a nice dream but
where will you find this husband?
We'll find him.
He will be found.