I Spy

- That shit is bad.
- Then give them back.

I ain't giving back shit. Take them.
That look like I'm yelling at me.
Take them!

I'm Kelly Robinson, baby, 57 and 0!
I'll kick your ass!

This is what it look like when I'm
whupping somebody's ass.

That's scary. Kelly.
Oh, yeah, that's scary.

Look at that move.
Kelly Robinson.

Why you staring at me?
Do something.

- Okay, Kelly.
- I heard that in my head.

You looking in the cockpit right now.
That's a trip.

- What's our altitude?
- About 37,000 feet.

- Is that a Cessna on the horizon?
- Where?

Surfer boy!
- You seeing this?
- What are you doing?

- Come fly the plane.
- Wake him back up!

- He fell asleep.
- You put that dart in his back!

- I thought you knew how to fly it.
- Wake him up.

I don't know how to fly it!
He put it on automatic for me!

The deal is, we go at 8,
and I wake the pilot up.

Okay, then let the plane crash.
Let it crash.

You know that ride I just took?
Get ready for a great ride.

I'm ready to die, baby.
I'm Kelly Robinson.

Death? That's how I feel
about death. Go on. Crash it.

This is getting crazy.
Wake the man up.

- Do we have a deal?
- Yes. Just wake the man up!

- Hey, Ken. He ain't woke.
- He'll wake up. He'll be fine.

- So you a pilot this whole time?
- I can fly a little.

Okay, I see how this is gonna work.
I ain't coming to no party at 8:00.
I told you 11:00. Here's your eye.

- Hey, be careful with that.
- Hey, my ass.

If you broke something in my plane,
if something in my plane is broke...
