Ice Age

It's so ugly.
But it's adorable.

Hello, pumpkin.
Where did you find it?
The poor kid all alone in the wild.
Sabers gang nailed on it.
So I just snatch it.

So brave.
Well , he needed me and
I only wish I have with my home.

I never attracted to a male.
Who wouldn't want a family, I always say.
Well , you know.
Cute kid, huh?
So I was saying, ladies. . .
Hey! Mandy!
What's the matter with you?
Excuse me, ladies.
You just keep aggregating
and I'll be right back.

He's not much to look at
but it's so hard to find a family guy.

Tell me about it.
But the sensitive ones get eaten.

No, please.
I beg you, I need him .

Why? A good looking guy like you?
You say that but you don't mean it.
No, seriously, look at you.
Most ladies, they don't stand the chance.
We have a very cool sense of humour.
Don't let me crap this time.
Thanks, man. You're the best.
Without the baby.
Mandy, I need him .

So, ladies, where were we?
Easy, Frankie.

Pretty tired, huh?
Somebody moves like a cheater.

And that tiger.
Yeah, Mr. Great Tracker.
Can't even find a sloth.

What am l? Head winder?
What are you looking at?
Look at you. You gonna
grow into a big predator, huh?

I don't think so.
What do you got?
You got. . .
