Igby's tuition and such.
I mean, where else would you turn?
- Handsome, sad Jason...
- Shut up.
...who so depleted your finances
and your options.
I mean, the sacrifices
you've made to the boys...
...I'm just, well, how....
- How did you do it?
- Stirrups and a turkey baster.
- Bunny?
- Yeah?
You are a feeble woman.
Did I hear Mimi?
She's just freshening up.
She's freshening up?
Did she leave, D.H.?
Without saying goodbye?
She did leave a note.
Of course she did.
Sweet Mimi!
Can't you hit D.H. up for some bucks?
I'd ask him myself,
but I'm not having sex with him.
- Fuck you. Get a job.
- Please!
Things have become fragile with D.H.
What things?
You're not even paying rent.
All you really need is pocket cash.
I have needs.
Russel's always looking for assistants
for projects.
I'm sure he'd throw you work
as a favor to me. He loves me.
Where the fuck are you?
On one of his artworks?
- Shit!
- Catch!