You dog.
Voice print, please.
Voice print, please.
Spencer John Olham
Project Director.
( Spencer's distorted electronic
voice )
Access granted.
Whatever med-specs you give them
I want you to double the dosages
on your order estimates.
Yes, doctor.
And I want a nurse standing by
until he stabilizes.
How are we doing
on synth plasma?
SR's still waiting.
Okay, well, I'll just have
to contact Central Supply
and see if they send some
in the next run.
We're way over capacity,
Dr. Olham.
If you want to keep inviting
more wounded
we're going to have to move
the party to your place.
Ah, Dr. Carone,
and I'm barely awake.
Something tells me this is
my morning lecture on
hospital administration.
Let's go ahead
and keep him on the angiolytic.
See how he responds.
Give him another 12 hours.
Rumor has it
there's another evac on
its way here from Tolstoy.
I'd like to know why you told
them we could handle them.
Did security ask you
for a voice print?
It's never done that before.
They're gearing up
for Big Sister.
What do you suggest I do?
We could ask evac to reroute.
Oh, to a worse hospital.
Forget it.
I am all for the war effort.
I'm not interested in
the war effort.
I just care
about saving as many women
as I possibly can.
Good morning, Dr. Olham.
Please enter.
What do you care about?
This morning I'm saying
good-bye to my youngest
and he says-- I swear to God--
''Dada, when I grow up
I want to be
in waste management.''
You tell me, should I worry?
Little Joey's on the slow side,
isn't he.
You know, I pray nights
he marries well.
There she is.