Border patrol.
That's right.
They pay good cash
for runners like you.
You're going to turn me in
to the ESA.
Life's a tragedy. Move.
Whatever you're going
to trade me for--
whatever you can get,
I'll triple it.
It's too late.
( grunts )
House allocation,
food rations...
I can get you all of it.
Come on, help me out.
Too late!
( grunts )
See that dome right there?
A government program built that
after we were bombed
by the Centauri
after we got turned
into the Dead Zone.
See, that's how
you G-fucks always deliver--
too goddamn late.
Now get up.
( grunts )
I'm not going back to them.
I won't die like that.
You can kill me, but I'm worth
a lot more to you alive.
You're useless to me.
Drugs: narco-phetamines
pharmaceutical grade.
-''Jump,'' ''Delirium''
-anything you want.
-So, what you think?
You've got me down?
You think you know me?
All Zoners are junkies.
Right? Right?
No, that's not what I meant.
Not you.
You know, I don't like you.
You keep saying
all the wrong things.
Then listen to the words.
I'm not saying ''junkie,''
I'm saying ''payoff.''
I'm offering you a real trade.
Punch in this CimCode: 746-218.
Come on.
Just do it.
Do it!
( hammer uncocks )
MAN ( on P.A. ):
Grid units are advised
that all authorized
and unauthorized personnel
arriving or departing
dome check-in
are subject to high security
clearance at this time.
''Maya June Olham.''
Pretty girl.
no wants or warrants.
Associate Director...
Associate Director
of Veterans Hospital,
Central City Sector.
She's my connection.
And she'll do anything...
to get her husband back alive.
Now I know that you can run me
into that city underground
and I can get you inside
that hospital supply.
In and out, clean.