( engine whooshing )
How many you see--
Exactly eight too many.
( struggling )
I'll just be a minute.
Check the log!
Negative, no outgoing
How about incoming?
One incoming
within project sector...
Going back how far?
Data confirmed
as of 0700 hours.
All right, it's time
to jerk the leash.
I want a house arrest,
with a 24/7 watch.
No, no, no
you keep all your men in place
until you hear from me.
I'm telling you, it's still
prime stomping ground
if it still believes...
it's Dr. Olham.
Census Bureau reporting
new hit-- Veterans Plaza.
South Sector of main promenade,
post number 4-niner-7.
That's behind us.
Affirmative, Major.
How long ago?
Which direction?
Stand by, Major.
Patch it through to Burke,
tell him to get over here
and turn and burn some bodies
Get me Burke.
I got in close.
-I just...
-Listen to me.
I don't care if you're
crazy, doped up
or you want to fuck
somebody because
they hurt your feelings.
I got you here.
Remember that.