
- Don't say this shit to me.
- You won't be involved.

I'm not? Of course I will.
With your reputation,
he can't touch you.

My reputation's the whole problem.
You think Warfield gives a fuck
about you shaking down drug dealers?

You think that will get him
his headlines? He needs the big fish.

He's putting the squeeze
on you to get to me.

- But you're clean, Will.
- I'm a good cop, yeah.

But there's always something they
could use to get at your credibility.

Have you any idea
what this is gonna do?

Think about all my cases. All the cases
dependent on my word, my judgment.

Those fuckers on the street.
That's what you're doing.

They got nothing on you
because there's nothing to get.

- What about Dobbs?
- That's different.

It's different?
Warfield doesn't want
Dobbs on the street.

It's a house of cards. Once it starts,
it's just gonna tumble. All of it.

That's a chance I gotta take, pal.
- I got family.
- Don't give me that.

Warfield made it clear.
I get probation.

We're cops, man.
This is not about us.

This is about all the people who
depend on us. People with families.

I spent my life doing this. My life.
You're gonna destroy it like that.
Why? Why?

So some I.A. prick gets closer
to being chief of police?

Or playing golf with the mayor
or whatever the fuck else he's after?

You finished?
Sorry, I gotta cut a deal.
So, make any decisions?
