
- I heard it was pretty rough.
- It wasn't rough.

Not like the other times.
Those times she wouldn't listen to you.

Couldn't keep her mouth shut.
- Keep fishing, man.
- We saw the bruises.

They said she was beaten.
Not those bruises. Come on.
The old bruises. Your bruises.

I'm sick of this.
I haven't done anything wrong.

You haven't?
Fuck you!
You're a prick in a leather jacket.
What the fuck do you know?

...this whole thing you're doing,
this fuck-the-world act.

It might work with your mom.
It might even work with local cops...

...who know you enough to figure
you're too dumb to kill...

...without leaving witnesses
and a signed confession.

It ain't gonna work with me.
Because I know things. You understand?
I know you beat your girlfriend.
I know she was seeing somebody else.
Someone she might have gone to see
after she walked out on you Friday.

Now are you gonna tell us
who that somebody might be?

Or are you so fucking stupid...
:20:29're gonna leave yourself as the
last person to see Kay Connell alive?

I don't know.
You don't know.
I couldn't get her to tell me.
How hard did you try?
Pretty hard.
