
Do you think it's possible you heard
the shot before you hit the waterline?

- Detective Dormer?
- Yeah, it's possible.

Why don't I give her a ride?
- Thought I smelled something.
- How you doing? Coping?

- You're that cop.
- Yeah.

- Are you coming or not?
- Not.

You want a stick of gum?
I love chewing gum.

It keeps me awake.
- I never met anyone from L.A. before.
- Not missing much.

- So how do you like our shithole town?
- It's not bad.

- Were you good friends with Kay?
- Best friends. Since grade school.

- That's a long time.
- Yeah, we were like sisters.

Like sisters? Must be tough
for you what happened, then.

Everyone keeps telling me
I'm doing great, considering.

But they're all real worried about me.
They don't even care
if I show up for school or not.

Worried I haven't cried yet.
But ain't no law says
you gotta cry, right?

No, there ain't.
What about her other friends?
Do we have to talk about
Kay right now? God.

I don't want to think
about all that. Just drive.

I understand.
- Want me to take you somewhere?
- As long as it's fun.

Young, impressionable girl...
