
If you want it to be.
It's over, Walt.
It's over. I'm telling them everything.
Tell them about Hap, you, everything.

- What good would that do?
- It'll end this thing.

It won't end it.
You're not thinking straight.

Will you tell the truth? You shot
your partner and lied about it.

To them, you're a liar and a killer.
You're tainted. Forever!

You don't get to pick when you tell
the truth. The truth is beyond that.

That tape was the only proof we had
a conversation outside of that room.

To them, I'm a writer
that Kay admired.

Randy is the killer, and you're a
hero cop. Your life's work is intact.

Another abusive scumbag is in jail.
Everything is as it should be.

Go back to Los Angeles.
The case against Randy is pretty solid.

I can take care of everything here.
I got it worked out. Go home.

Midnight of your sixth night.
You broke my record, Will.
