Jackass: The Movie

Je vais crever !
Putain de merde !
Oh, mon Dieu, j'ouvre
les fenêtres.

Je vais devenir fou ici.
Regardez le caleçon de Phil.
Oh ! Oh, mon Dieu !
Phil, tu dois être debout
pour 5h00 demain matin.

A 6h00, je dois être au boulot.
Yo, il arrive.
Il arrive. Il arrive.
Mon Dieu, Bam !
J'ai failli me casser la jambe
en essayant de sortir de là !

Il y a de la merde partout...
Comment je vais bosser maintenant ?
Allez !
Je... oh ! Doux Jésus !
"That woman in the corner
cold playin' the role"

"Leave her ass in the corner
till her feet gets cold"

"Knowin' for a fact
that girl is wack"

"If you hold your hand out,
she'll turn her back"

"Better walk, don't talk,
she's all pretend"

"Can't be her friend
unless you spend"

Aah !
"Wall to wall after all,
get ready to throw"

"All your money at the bitch"
"Cause she thinks
she's so... phisticated"
