Why don't you stare at this for a
IittIe whiIe, ya ugIy bastard.
-What are you doing here?
-I'm taking the specimen.
WeII, you can't. I haven't prepped
the cryostasis chamber.
I don't want him frozen, Rowan.
I want him soft.
We've aIready discussed this.
WeII, I had to go over your head. I'm
moving him to our Scranton FaciIity.
Doctor Wimmer, you can't risk
transporting him through open country.
This isn't open for discussion.
His unique abiIity to regenerate Iost
and damaged tissue, I mean,
itjust-itjust cries out
for more research.
And you're wiIIing to risk the death
of innocent civiIians if he escapes.
But I'm sure Sergeant Marcus and his
men can handIe the transferjustfine.
Everything's under controI, ma'am.
Doctor Wimmer, pIease.
Rowan, he's no Ionger your probIem.
Can we get that rag off him?
What the heII?