AbsoIute museum quaIity.
Are you paying attention, AzraeI?
WeII, don't touch anything.
Guys. We got another body here.
She's perfectIy preserved.
CeII crystaIIization's at 25 percent.
Twenty-five percent?
Suggest extensive nanotech
and phase one ceII reconstruction.
Wait-Waita minute, areyou...
are you saying that...
that we can bring her back to Iife?
Yes. But she is deteriorating.
Opening the door has compromised
her hibernation.
Lou, get ready for dust-off.
We have a priority evac.
Copy that, ready in five.
Notfive, now.
What the--?
Look out!
Fifty-five cc's ofetherene.
You'II be fine.
F-Fine? I'm missing my arm!
Oh, you're so pretty.