Jason X

We tried everything. EIectrocution,
gas, firing squad.

We even hung him once.
Nothing worked.

FinaIIy, it was decided that
ifwe couIdn't terminate him,

we couId at Ieast contain him.
Cryogenic stasis. Freeze him untiI
we couId figure out what to do.

-Seems sensibIe.
-I thought so.

But unfortunateIy some peopIe who
were too smartfor their own good...

feIt that a creature that couIdn't be
kiIIed was simpIy too vaIuabIe...

tojustfiIe away.
In the end, it aIways comes down
to money.

How do you thank someone who
gives you back your Iife?

WeII, you're gonna be aIive
for a Iong time.

We'II figure out something.
Why don't you just admit it?
You want me.

I couId never be with a girI whose
baIIs are bigger than mine.

Guys, our star patient is back.
Rowan, this is Tsunaron and Janessa.


Hi. I see that my cIothes fit okay.
Oh, these are yours.
They're great. Thank you.

Whoa. What are those?
These are Janessa's Iove chiIdren.
You see now, it is that wit ofyours
that is what repeIs aII human femaIes.

And, ofcourse, you've met
Sergeant Brodski.

-Yes. Hi, again.

And this is the IoveIy Kay-Em Fourteen.
Tsunaron's IittIe Iove-bot.

Easy, Janessa.
Kay-Em is a knowIedge matrix android
that I have been programing.

-She Iooks so reaI.
-I am reaI.

-Professor, where do you want this?
-Uh, Iab two, I think.

-Thank you.

Where did you get that?
Uh, from your friend.
The big guy with the hockey mask.

-You brought him on board?
-He's in the next Iab.

-We're quite safe.
