Jason X

lmean, fame, money.
With my heIp,
you're gonna have it aII.

Y-I-I-I...know peopIe, you know?
I mean, I-I have connections!

Together we can-we can make
a fortune.

We couId--
Oh, shit.
Oh, you want your machete back.
Shit, it's yours, take it.
Just remember who saved itfor ya.
Guys, it's okay! Hejust wanted
his machete back!

l'm-l'm-l'm-l'mgonnago back...
to my room 'cause Stoney-Stoney's
gonna meet me there.

Oh, man. AII right, Iook.
How do we get offthis ship?

I don't know.
WeII, Iook, couId...
you beam us offor something?

''Beam us off?. ''
The shuttIe.
HeII, yeah. The shuttIe.
What about it Crutch?

Uh, yeah, I-I can do preIaunch
from the bridge.

Good, good. The rest of us'II head
to the shuttIe.

-We'II start the Iaunch Iist.
-I'm with you, Crutch.

You know how to use that thing?
It'sjust Iike riding a bike. Once
you Iearn, you never forget how.

Good. Kay-Em and I wiII go to
the suppIy hoId.

-Meet you at the shuttIe bay.
-See you there.

What's a bike?
There's enough fire power in here
to IeveI a moon.

I say we pack this stuff up
and head for the shuttIe.

So, what do you think?
Are we gonna make it?

WeII, the statisticaI probabiIity
ofsurvivaI is tweIve percent.

TweIve percent? Can't you come up
with better odds than that?

BuIIshit, Kay-Em!
That's buIIshit!
