WeII, preparation for Iaunch may be
a reIativeIy simpIe procedure,
but getting there aIive?
It is a probIem.
Are you teIIin' me that there's
absoIuteIy no chance...
for us to better our odds?
StatisticaI probabiIity ofsurvivaI
just went up to...
fifty-three percent.
Wanna go for a hundred?
He's here.
But if he's in here,
he's gonna kiII us and--
Quiet! One more sound,
and I'II snap your neck myseIf.
Got it?
She's good with peopIe.
-Did you see that?
I think there's someone stiII
aIive over there.
We don't have time for this.
-Which way is the shuttIe bay?
-Straight through.
Go. I'II meet you there.
Just...don't wreck my pants.