You shut up.
I hate the little bastard, but he's right.
You know how easy it is to get a gun?
Five minutes. Gun show.
I understand your kid is sick, John,
but what makes him better than me?
- I got a life, too.
- But you got insurance.
So what, are you going to shoot me?
That's what you're telling the cops.
If your son doesn't get
the very first heart available, we all die.
How's it going to end, John?
What's your move?
I got no moves, okay?
I don't know what I'm going to do.
I'm waiting on a miracle, okay?
I'm waiting on an act of God.
Could we have a word
with you, please?
This is all my fault.
When the hospital told me
they were releasing Mikey,
I called John and yelled at him,
told him to do something, anything.
But I never thought...
I understand.
Is he a violent man, Mrs Archibald?
No! He's sweet and gentle.
He wouldn't hurt a fly.
That's not what he's saying.
He's talking about killing people.
I may be fishing, but has he spent time
in the military or anything like that?
- What is this?
- What?
I see what's going on here.
You're trying to get me to say something
you can use against my husband.
He's in a lot of trouble.
We're going to need you to talk to him.
Let's get something straight, mister.
You cannot use me
to build a case against my husband.