Then take mine.
- What?
- You heard me.
Take my heart,
and you put it in Mike.
- You done lost your damn mind.
- You can't be serious.
You bet I'm serious.
I'm dead serious.
Oh, my God.
- You'll be dead.
- And my son will live.
- You can't do this.
- It's the only way.
- Physically, you can't do this.
- I kill myself.
You open me up, take my heart.
- It's perfect.
- That's just crazy.
We can't just remove your heart
and put it into Michael's body.
There are too many unknowns.
Matching donor and recipient
is extremely complicated.
- Critical tests have to be taken.
- Like what?
Cross matches for blood type,
chest cavity measurements.
If blood tissues
are not completely compatible...
I know about compatibility.
We've been tested up the wazoo.
We're both B-positive.
Our tissues match.
His heart's three times the size
of normal, so mine will fit.
- You know we're compatible.
- Out of the question. Too risky.
- I'm telling you he will make it!
- Can't do it.
If I'm laying dead, you're not going to
take my heart and save his life?
You'll let two die instead of one
because of a technicality?
- I think what John is trying to do is right.
- Me, too. I think it's so brave.
What do you think Mike would want?
What about your wife?
Mike's too young to know
what's good for him.
It's my job to protect him.
Denise would do the same thing.
I know what's happening to Mike is bad.
Matter of fact, it's the worst.
But killing yourself
ain't going to solve a damn thing.
Sometimes you just
got to let go and let God...
Just accept it, brother.
Accept it?
Accept what?
That Mike is going to die.
No, I don't accept that. Ever.
I reject that out of hand.
All right, he's a patient to you,
I understand, but he's a good kid.