American Classic
Peanut Butter.
The eagle knows.
Want more chocolate?
Can't get enough caramel?
Try new Holiday candy bar.
It's like taking a vacation.
Coming up next,
Michelle finally sleeps
with Janet on
Our Best Lives to Live.
I shouldn't have done it.
I shouldn't have seen her dance
and I shouldn't
have slept with her.
It's been eating me up.
So, I'm glad
it's finally out in the open
because maybe now
we can move forward.
Say something.
I'm going bowling.
Can I come?
That's good.
Who's the man?
Who's the man?
Yeah, you're the man.
Who's the man?
Come to daddy, baby.
Oh, hey, no. Hey!
Okay, Pete, you win.
Well, probably.
You only got a 1 4.
I'm not talking
about the bowling.
What are you talking about?
You know, whenever you're
mad at me, you do this.
You act like nothing happened.
What do you want me to do?
We had good times together
But I never thought we were
meant for each other...
Too late I find
You're still on my mind...
You know, Pete, you told me