Just a Kiss

I'm a videographer.
And what is that?
I record family histories
and then I edit them
into personal documentaries.

Hmm. I see.
And you?
I teach the cello.
So, how do you know Rebecca?
She slept with my boyfriend.
The Brussels escapade.
Give me the ice cream.
Colleen, the woman that I love,
works for the airlines.

They have courtesies
in this industry

that allow her to travel
anywhere in the world

for about the cost
of a movie ticket.

Once a week or so,
she'll fly somewhere and back.

However, before she
plans her destination

she inquires about the film
that's being shown.

She has developed a fondness
for watching movies

only while aloft.
Would you like some caviar?
Eastwood always improves.
Didn't you like it?
I did.
The turbulence at the end
was kind of frightening.

Moviegoing should always be
a life-or-death experience.

God, look at these poor things.
