Excuse me.
Oh, my God.
What the hell
are you doing here?
Vous etes... Vous etes
incroyable. Merci.
Thank you.
Ah, Peter keeps
telling me you can dance
but I had to see for myself.
Well, now you know he lied.
Ah! You were amazing!
You are the most...
Hey, I have a bottle
of something at the hotel room.
Ah, I'd love to, but I can't.
I got to catch an 1 1:26 train.
Too bad.
To the most unbelievably
gifted dancer
anyone has ever seen.
Besides my mother.
Oh, no. Hold it.
Don't you dare drink to that.
Sorry, it's reflex.
I'm allergic to compliments.
Your mother is a very talented
woman, but without you
it would just be a lot
of dancing.
Now drink.
Thank you.
-Sorry, if I...
God. I'm so glad you're here.
It's so fucking lonely.
So, um, why are you in Europe?
Didn't I tell you?
Probably. I don't listen.
I'm, uh, shooting
a EuroDisney spot.
Is it nice?
It's okay.
The best part about it is
you got all these French people
that are paid to be nice to you.
Let's talk about something else.