That's pretty much
how I spent my entire day.
Talked to every team,
every single team.
Nobody wants you.
You know why? You're a head case.
Well, then bump 'em.
Bump 'em all.Jamal don't need them.
Send me to Europe.
I like foreign women.
And you know,
not a bad idea.
Unfortunately, though,
it turns out...
they call it
the ”worldwide web” for a reason.
- That's your ass.
- Forget that.
What about the CBA?
What about the Globetrotters?
- I mean, something.
- Globetrotters. That'd be fun.
No. Nobody wants you,
not even the Clippers.
- I thought you were my friend, Lorne.
- See, now, that's a problem.
I'm not your friend.
I'm your agent.
I was your agent.
That also is null and void.
What are you saying?
Now you're not
gonna be my agent?
Yeah, it's over.
I can't be your agent. That's silly.
But I certainly
wish you luck. I do.
And here's hoping you
invested your money wisely...
- 'cause I don't see any fresh
cash coming in any time soon.
Don't even need
to hear it. Bling.
got plenty cash.
So don't you worry about me.
Okay? JamalJeffries is set, baby. Set.
Broke? What the hell
do you mean I'm broke?
You ain't got
no more money, dog. Chapter 11 .
Chapter 11? What happened
to the first ten chapters?
- Are you stupid? No money, man.
- Tell me, Mr. Business Manager...
- what you been doing with all my money?
- You spent it all.
- I spent it all?
- That's right. You spent it all.
- I did?
- Maybe you got too many furs.
- Why didn't you try to stop me?
- Tried to do that, bro.
- You did?
- I sure did.
Yo, Tina!