Oh, look at her getting
all misty up in here.
I really do. I mean it.
But I think that since Magda
actually made the winning shot...
I think I should
share this with her.
You share ball with me?
Oh, thank you,Juwanna.
Thank you.
- Oh, no, you don't have to--
- Thank you. Thank you.
Precious time. Let's shower up
and get the hell out of here.
Good job, ladies.
Nice work there.
It's just superstition.
Never take it off after a win.
Never take it off.
You was really getting
your game on tonight,Juwanna.
I have a feeling that we're gonna have
a really good season this year.
Oh, yes, we are.
Whoa! Look at you.
Isn't this cute?
I got it at Victoria's Secret.
Whew. Well,
the secret's out.
It's just perfect
for the road,you know?
You can just keep it
comfy and simple.
Comfy and simple.
Damn. I am so sore tonight.
- Really?
- Would you mind rubbing
a bit of this on my shoulders?
Oh! Mm-hmm.
- I'll be more than happy to. Yeah.
- Thank you, girl.
- Yes. All right.
We can do that for each other.
- Thank you.
We was really
balling tonight, huh?
- Mm-hmm.
- Such teamwork.
Ooh. That feels good.
Yes, that was one...