K-19: The Widowmaker

Ice recon.
- Come on. Come on.
- Less than one meter in this area.

- These reports are almost a week old.
- This time ofyear...

the ice is only getting thinner.
Continue surfacing.

I'm not sure ifwe can control
an ascent this fast, Captain.

- Neither am I.
- 1 30 meters.

1 20 meters.
- 1 1 0 meters.
- Blow main ballast.

- She's starting to roll.
- Permission to hold at safe depth.

- Denied.
- 80 meters.

Pump room,
are we pumping the trim tanks?

She's rolling to port.
- Blow port. Shut starboard.
- Changing over to alternate air supply.

- 60 meters.
- Stop turbines.

Stop both turbines.
- Level off, damn it.
- 40 meters.

- Brace for impact.
- Brace for impact!

Brace for impact.
