Let's go! Let's go!
- Come on!
- We've got you.
Easy. Easy.
Good. Good man. Good.
You must be decontaminated.
Do you understand?
We must make you clean.
Scrub him.
It's cold. You'll be warmer inside.
You must take your clothes off.
We will decontaminate you
and destroy the clothes.
- Then you can go down below.
- Take offyour pants.
- Back this way.
- Watch the rope.
- Pass it over.
- Come on, pull it.
Be careful there.
This is your boat, Misha.
I lost my position, Yuri,
but not my self-respect.
You lost both.
- Where am I going?
- Bring a blanket here.
They're taking you across, Vadim.
I need my picture of Kataya.
- Where is it?
- In my pocket.