- They're not supposed
to answer! -Wait, wait...
You mean we'll have
other names?
- Yes.
- For ever?
For some time, we said.
Then what if I have a new
name and I phone Bertuccio?
He'll realize it's me,
he's not stupid.
Didn't I make myself clear?
No phone calls, I said.
Not even if your name's
"The Wizard of Oz".
From now on,
we're the Vincents.
I'm David...
...and I'm an architect.
David Vincent,
the architect!
- What? What?
- Like in The Invaders.
Dad is David Vincent!
- Can I choose my name?
- Me too?
I wanna be Harry.
Nobody's wearing what we
used to. We could only bring...
...what we had on. Me neither.
- I want MY pajamas.
What's wrong with
this lion that's so hard?
He's softening it up.