What happened?
Did you drink a lot of
coke last night?
- Don't say anything. - Ok, but you
have to promise me something.
You won't drink anything...
...at night, nothing.
No soda water, no water,
coke, nothing.
Is it dead?
It's the one I saw before.
It must have drowned.
It can't drown!
It's a toad!
Toads breathe air.
Obviously, it got trapped.
Yucky creature.
Loot at the skin.
"...Houdini's first stage
name was Eric The Great."
Because his real name
wasn't Harry, see?
"At first, he was
assisted in his performance...
...by a co-worker from the
factory where he worked."
Because he was poor and
worked since he was a boy.
"But later, he turned to
his younger brother, Theo."
Turn it up, little guy.
I wanna watch The Saint!
The Minister denied
categorically that anyone...
... on the list is being held by the
executive power, or in prison...
They gotta whitewash
political prisoners.
- Who, me?
- Let me listen to it.
Tie me up, Little Guy.
- Who, me?
- Yes, you.