Don't waste your time.
Perhaps he won't return.
The ship needs him.
- Who is it?
- Some idiot.
How come you don't know the
name of any classmate?
- They're all stupid.
- No way!
- Is that too tight?
- Tighter.
- Tighter?
- Tighter.
- I'm making it tight.
- Perfect.
- I'll time you.
- Stay on that side!
- On the other side?
- But don't look, okay?
Let's see...
If it's a minute,
you're "Houdini".
If it's 2, you're "Averagini".
More than 3, you're "Louserini".
- Come on!
- Ready?
- Yes.
- Go, go!
Hey, if you shit on your pants,
you're out.
Don't you have any friends?