you forgot the pointy thing!
Look, this is not complex.
He gave me the Palm Pilot
but he forgot
the pointy thing.
Ive been warned about you.
Oh. Really? And what, pray tell
did the great
disappointment say?
That you were dangerous,
though you hardly look it.
-Oh, really?
-A lady in trousers isnt
dangerous, merely plain.
I take it youre a career woman.
Yeah, market research.
Mm. Fine avocation
for women, research.
Perfect for the feminine mind.
Youre a trip, Lionel.
I myself once courted
a librarian in Sussex.
Good for you.
I must confess
I feel as though weve met
on a previous occasion.
Well, Lionel, seeing as
Ive never met a single
friend of Stuarts--
Im not even sure
hes ever had any--
I really dont see
how thats possible.
Oh, man! Bart!
He just made Lake Erie
out there.
You just cant toss a dog
out into the hall like that.
You cant do that.
I assure you, I did not.
Lets go.
I beg your pardon?
Come on.
Lets go!
Look, pal, I dont care
how many elevators you got.
This ones in my building.
Hang-hang on a second.
Sorry about
the elevator, Miss Kate.