Im very good at integral
and differential calculus
I know the scientific names
of beings animalculous
In short, in matters
vegetable, animal and mineral
I am the very model
of a modern major-general.
Hey, Kate!
Can I see you downstairs
for a minute?
I invited someone to dinner.
Hes up there all alone.
Stuarts in the hospital.
I didnt think youd
have such a problem...
No, you didnt think, Charlie.
You didnt think.
You came home early,
one day early from actor camp.
Okay, its not actor camp
and yeah, I came home
a day early, all right?
There was this tai chi
broad who kept trying
-stick her fingers...
-No, this is the point.
You immediately march upstairs
to my ex-boyfriends apartment
and you invite
his freakish friend...
See, thats what its about.
Its not that
I went up there.
Its that it was
your ex-boyfriend...
No, its not about Stuart.
Greetings, Kate.
Hey, Leo.
Be nice.
So, whens Stuart getting back?
Couple days, maybe a week.
He promised me that he would
return late this evening.
Well, maybe he will, Leopold.
Hes so big on keeping
his promises.
May I have the next course?
There is no next course.
Where I come from
the meal is the result
of reflection and study.
Menus are prepared in advance
timed to perfection.
It is said,
without the culinary arts
the crudeness of reality
would be unbearable.
We had a saying
in the McKay house:
"You shake and shake
the ketchup bottle.
None will come,
and then a lotll."
What is that?
I beg your pardon?