Bart, shut up!
That thing is a damned hazard!
Its just a toaster!
Well, insertion of bread
into that so-called toaster
produces no toast at all--
merely warm bread!
Inserting the bread twice
produces charcoal.
So, clearly,
to make proper toast
it requires
one and a half insertions
which is something
for which the apparatus
doesnt begin to allow!
One assumes
that when the General
of Electric built it
he might have tried using it.
One assumes the General might
take pride in his creations
instead of just foisting them
on an unsuspecting public.
You know something?
Nobody gives a rats ass
that you have to push
the toast down twice.
You know why?
Because everybody
pushes their toast down twice!
Not where I come from.
Oh, because where you come from
toast is the result
of reflection and study.
Yes, you mock me.
But perhaps one day, when youve
awoken from a pleasant slumber
to the scent of a warm brioche
smothered in marmalade
and fresh creamery butter
youll understand that life
is not solely comprised
of tasks, but tastes.
Say that again.
Pardon me?
-Did they start yet?
Session list.
Leopold, Darci.
Darci, Leopold.
Id like him to read.
Can you tack him on
at the end?
And, Leopold, go with Darci.
Shell take you to the greenroom
and explain everything.
I need to work out.
I need a place I can work out.
If I could get Mr. Duke?
Is he ready? Where is he?
Oh, my God, look at this.
Lets skip this one.
Mr. Duke, right here
on the floor.
Excuse me,
thats your mark, right there.
Just stand on that tape line.
Look, forget this guy.
I cant waste
any more time, J.J.
We need to make
a decision now.
All right, weve got
plenty of good choices.
Lets cut it off, Kate.
That would be a mistake, J.J.
Kate, the client wants
to move on.
We should see this last guy.
Itll... Two minutes!
I think he looks like
the Quaker Oats guy.
Well, Phil, its really not
about what you think.