Just raw human passion.
Isnt Willem Dafoe
part of that group?
Yeah, and he did this monologue
about how
all the best things in life are
hidden in peoples basements.
Like the Louvre.
Im sorry.
You were saying, Charles?
No, what about the Louvre?
Tell us what you
were going to say.
Well, only a fraction of
the Louvre is on the walls.
The rest is in
the basement.
Youve been in the basement
of the Louvre?
Oh, yes.
I was an art history major
at Vassar.
And so, whats down there?
Well, thats where
the real show begins.
Unspoiled by dilettante.
DaVinci, Michelangelo,
David, Chardin.
"Allow me to assist you,
"Oh, let me light that
for you, Monica.
"What, this?
"This is my family crest.
"Been in the family for...
Oh, in the basement?
"What do they have
in the basement?
"Why, the works of da Vinci
"Michelangelo, Chardin, David
all surrounded by great coral
sponges to absorb the moisture."
Just for the record,
I was working it.
I was in the zone
and I would have
gotten her number
if you hadnt turned
the evening
into a guided tour
of the Louvre.
My apologies.
Lets get
one thing straight.
Patrice, she thought
you were cute--
probably gay and cute.
And cute, Leo,
thats the kiss of death.
-Perhaps? Certainly.
I believe this is her number.
As I see it, Patrice has not
an inkling of your affections.
And its no wonder.
You, Charles,
are a merry-andrew.
A what?
Everything plays a farce to you.
Women respond to sincerity.
This requires pulling ones
tongue from ones cheek.
No one wants to be
romanced by a buffoon.
Now, that number rings her.
-So ring her tomorrow.
I cant. She gave
the number to you.
Only because I told her
of your affections.
Wha-What did you say?
Merely that you admired her
but you were hesitant
to make an overture