Ken Park

Sometimes I dream about
flying in here

and smashing his head
against the wall.

Then taking you,
bringing you back to my room.

Most of the time I just think
about touching your body.

Sometimes when I'm with Hannah,
I pretend it's you.

I can see your face
instead of hers.

She was talking about you
all yesterday.

What was she saying?
You know Hannah,
she was just rambling like

"Shawn's doing this
and Shawn's taking me there."

She loves you.
It's easy to tell.
Yeah, I love her, too.
You guys make a cute couple.
Pass me that brush?

You know, you make
the same noises in bed.

What else?
You have a lot of things a like.
You like me to do the same things.
You have the same pussy smell.
We do?
Yeah, but you're better in bed.
I am?
Well, I have more experience.
I'm older.
I know.
I like that.
