We climb together a lot.
He was having some work done
on his place, so...
...he stayed here while
I was gone.
...is Mr. Know-It-AII.
It's his name.
This is Françoise, right?
That's the real reason my brother
takes the pictures down.
Because it's... it's too hard
for him to see her.
My brother's a brave guy,
but sometimes...
...he's afraid of remembering.
What he forgets is that he's not
the only one responsible.
I was up there too.
She was my best friend, Alice.
Yes, I know your name.
You're very beautiful.
I can see why he'd fall
so hard for you.
The thing about my brother...
...is you're either with him
or you're not.
And once you've made the jump
and you're with him, that's it.
There's no discussion.
Can I have his address?
Yes, of course.
Thank you.