Killing Me Softly

:48:00 the dragon and the princess
get in there in the first place.

A game is the wrong approach.
Alice Tallis.
This is Joanna Noble.
Do you remember me?

Oh yes, I remember you.
I got a weird note
about the article.

I'm not gonna do anything with it.
I'm certainly not gonna follow it up.

It's probably stupid of me...
but I somehow felt obliged
to tell you about it.

Shall I send it to you?
Yeah, you can send it.
Is it private?
I don't want this sitting
in a public in-basket.

- I understand. You can fax it.
- Okay. I'll do that.

- You have the number?
- Yeah, I got it from your secretary.

Okay, thanks for calling.
Sorry, I had
to take that.

No problem.
Gave me a chance to think.

We shouldn't be playing games. It's
obvious. Women don't like games.

I think this project needs
a new face.

Dear Joanna Noble, what you wrote
made me sick.

Your big hero, Adam Tallis,
raped me.

Why don't you try reporting the truth?
It's out of paper.
I've decided that from now on...
...this is Alice's project.
You're the new point man.
I mean, point girl.

- Congratulations, Alice.
- Thank you.

- Open or closed?
- Closed.
