Hi, Mum and Dad.
I hope you got my last tape.
At the airport they said you'd be
flying around the USA for some time.
I heard they need pilots in Denmark, -
- so maybe you can find work here.
It's a close race
between cars number 5 and 8.
Great driving!
Number 5 and 8 are right up front,
And we've got a winner!
Car number 5. Great driving, number
5! 10 minutes till the next race.
Hi, Ida! Coffee?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
What's that on your finger?
Let me see.
You haven't been climbing, have you?
''You haven't been climbing,
have you?'' You sound just like Mum.
Sweetiepie, there are thousands
of sports that are just as cool.
But climbing ...
If you fall, you can die.
- You fell 30 meters without dying.
- Must we discuss this every day?
Only till I'm 18.
We're getting ready for the first heat
in the sixth race today.
We're off in 30 seconds.