Yes. Can you tell her there's a staff
security meeting tomorrow at 10?
I'm from the bank. Thanks.
The safe is 30 meters up in the
tower, so we're safe from robberies.
The safe is 30 meters up
in the tower ...
... have had to move
into the unfinished building ...
... the new CCT bank is designed
by architects Groth and Lumstein ...
... I've spent two years
training them to kill ...
- We can't rob a bank.
- It's not any old bank.
It's the bank where my mother helped
install all the alarms and codes.
Are you just going to ask her:
''Mum, what's the code to the safe?''
Why not? The grownups still think
we're five years old.
They'd never believe
we could rob a bank.
It's a very serious crime!
They'll put us in a borstal.
We're not stealing the money for
ourselves. We're doing it to save Dad.
- Can you climb up to the safe?
- 30 meters.
Only 18 more than the reservoir. If my
Dad could climb Everest, I can do this.
You're forgetting one thing.
Your dad fell down.
Are you in or out?
You can always rely on me, honey.