... Closing in on each other.
They're giving everything!
Car number 5is getting ahead,Its a close race.
A fantastic race by car number 5!
We've got a winner,Ladies and gentlemen!
Car number five.Ten minutes to the next race.
- Hi, Dad.- Hi, Ida. Where are you?
- I'm doing my homework.- In your summer holiday?
- The summer holiday's over soon.- Can you take over for me here?
Okay, I'll be right over.
We're getting readyFor the second heat today.
We're going to seeCars number 1, 3, 5and8.
Check your safety belts.No smoking, except from the tyres.
- Get on with it, loser.- Don't turn too sharply.
- It's a bit heavy in the gears.- Don't tell me what to do.